using my data and getting nothign but free discounts.
Bonjour ma belle j’espère que
tru anyone wanna join my 2500+ class action lawsuit against this conpaby thwy have 1 week to send me my gift card e giftcard or paypal payment or difgit credit card number in any country or me and the 2500+ members are taking yous to court and also google playstore agreed if we launch legally they will take your app and apftware off chrome extension list and also pull ur fuxkibg scam off there play store same with sonys and mixrosfot and galaxys playstore 1 week or we the people will taoe yous down i already did this to 14 other companys stealing data and selling fats after hard earned money time and effort only to be scamed you didnt nake it known in finw print sis i twll you im a full time data brwach lawyer see you fuckers in court in the queens court you will suffer we the peopme want justice and will get that juistice in cash! im prepared to personally fund everyones flights legal fees and lawyers from my firm against this data breach compaby they fraud people and when time comes to pay dont i perso aly took dow. 14 other comoanys doi g same and got them in group over 14000000 14 million in damages lost wages time data and effort always as brewch of contract msg me